Thursday, August 24, 2006

Gate is Up

Yesterday morning the workman came back to put up our gate. It's a good thing too, because I was on the verge of thinking that we might never get that gate put up.
When the workers arrived Skye was outside and they terrified her so much that she tried to bash her head through our sliding door to get back into the house.
Of course once she was in the house and the door closed securely behind her, that was when she turned around and gave them a few barks and growls. I guess she was trying to save face or something.
And this is the finished product. Now the dog owners from the building can walk by with their dogs on the leash and not have to get frightened when my own pup charges at them until she reaches the end of her chain and jerks back with a yelp.
All day today she's been sitting outside. She hasn't wanted to come inside once, well ok she did actually come inside once. But that was only because she wanted me to give her one of her doggy treats. But otherwise she's sitting out there sunning herself and sniffing the entire yard like a dog possessed.

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