Wednesday, August 16, 2006

EB as a Baby

In this photograph circa August of 1994, EB is only 1 month old and I am 24. We are taking a break at the Canadian National Exhibition to ingest some food stuffs. And of course Hubby decided to take the opportunity to click this picture so that we would one day be able to look back and say witty little things like "What the hell was I thinking when I dressed my first born up like a jail bird?"

In this photo EB is about 3 months old. I'm the one holding him and I used to love to play with his bottom lip. I'd wiggle it around and make it look like he was talking while I said silly little things like "If you take that picture of me Daddy I will seriously kick your ass!"

For some reason EB used to enjoy sitting in this bowl. In this picture he is about 17 months old. Notice his beautiful blonde hair? What happened?

EB didn't want me to share this picture with anyone, but I just love it way too much to keep it hidden in a photo album somewhere.
This picture was taken at EB's first birthday party. We had 2 cakes. One for all the guests and then another small chocolate one for EB to have all to himself.
We sat him on the ground after we'd stripped all of his clothes off of him. We placed the cake in front of him and let him go mad.
This was the result.

1 comment:

Boo's Mama said...

Hey at least it's cake.. I thought it was something else at first, haha. :)