Thursday, November 09, 2006

Bad Ass Blonde

This is a picture of EB from last spring. Back when he was a bad ass blonde.

I took a whole slew of pictures on this day, before the dying process began, during the process and then once again after.

This is an after shot.

After we did this we then attempted to dye his hair red, but it came out pink. I do have pictures of that, but I'll post them another day. Today this is all about the blondness of my son.

He still has some blonde in his hair, right on the tips. One more hair cut and it'll be all gone though. And then all that will remain of this look will be what I have in photographs.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


My Pup. It's a bit fuzzy but then so is she.

Extreme Muzzle Close Up

My Boys

Lying together on the sofa, both of my boys who adore each other more than anything else in this world.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Close Up of LB

LB was going out for a walk with his RG (Respite Girl) and he was looking so serious I just had to capture the moment.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Dot's School Photo

This picture was taken in September 2005 for school, Dot is 9 years old.
She has told me that she really likes this picture and she is planning on making the 2006 school picture look even better. That's what she's planning anyway.

LB and My Men

I've been told that I haven't shown enough pictures of LB. This picture was taken of him when he was 5 and it's one of my favorites.
This picture was taken at the same time as the one above. Only this time it's EB, LB and Hubby rolling on the floor together and goofing around. It was such a cute scene I couldn't resist snapping a pic.

Dot on the Tractor

This is picture of Dot was taken last year when we were apple picking. It was a nice day spent together as a family.

We were at Chudleighs Apple Farm and we'd picked all the apples that we wanted to.

We'd eaten some BBQ'd corn on the cob, some apple pie and apple cider.

After we'd walked around the farm, let the kids play in the hay and did a bit of shopping we then decided that it might be fun to take a scenic tractor ride. That's when I took this picture.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Kids at Pioneer Village

EB Rocking on Stilts. He was pretty good at it. He actually gave his stilts to someone else and began to coach them and try to help them get up on the stilts before we left.

EB doing some of his chores Dot doing her chores.
Dot wobbling on stilts. The second that this picture was taken she actually managed to not only fall off the stilts but onto her little bottom as well.

The Graduate

EB on Graduation Day (Grade 5 Grad) wearing clothes that he picked out himself. It's hard to see but that shirt has thin stripes on it that match the color of his tie.

Gate is Up

Yesterday morning the workman came back to put up our gate. It's a good thing too, because I was on the verge of thinking that we might never get that gate put up.
When the workers arrived Skye was outside and they terrified her so much that she tried to bash her head through our sliding door to get back into the house.
Of course once she was in the house and the door closed securely behind her, that was when she turned around and gave them a few barks and growls. I guess she was trying to save face or something.
And this is the finished product. Now the dog owners from the building can walk by with their dogs on the leash and not have to get frightened when my own pup charges at them until she reaches the end of her chain and jerks back with a yelp.
All day today she's been sitting outside. She hasn't wanted to come inside once, well ok she did actually come inside once. But that was only because she wanted me to give her one of her doggy treats. But otherwise she's sitting out there sunning herself and sniffing the entire yard like a dog possessed.

Patio Stones Are Here

On Wednesday August 16, 2006 some loud thumping and baning noises that were coming from my backyard woke me out of a nice slumber. I went to the back window in a bit of a mood. I had intended to complain to whom ever it was that was pounding away back there. When I looked out my back window this was the vision that awaited me.
Yes, the workman had come and were laying down the patio stone for us.
This was the finished product. I realize that it may not look like the Taj Mahal or anything but to me it looks like a life support. Just one more thing that will make my life just that much easier. Hooray. Now LB will be able to go out to the bus without getting mud all over his wheels and bringing it back into the house. And shoveling the snow in the winter will be so much easier now that I'll have stone underneath and not loose dirt, grass and weeds.

This is LB

The other day when Respite Girl was here she gave him a very long bath. Later, when he was out of the bath, dried and dressed this is how he looked. He slept like a little angel that night, and no wonder. You can just see how tired he is in that picture. And I think it's time for a haircut. LB loves Respite Girl. She just finished feeding him his lunch here. She is now playing with his feet and making him kick his feet for some excercise. You can see on his face just how much he loves her.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

More EB

This is EB, he's almost 3 here and still has his blonde hair. Although it is hard to see it underneath Bro's hat.

This is EB on his 2nd Birthday. This was snapped just minutes before the party. Of course the hair didn't stay that way for long.

EB in the bath with the funny hair that Mom gave him. He's almost 2 in this one.

EB used to have this talent for falling asleep pretty much anywhere and anytime. Here he was supposed to be eating his lunch when he passed out in his sister's chair. He's 4 in this one.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

EB as a Baby

In this photograph circa August of 1994, EB is only 1 month old and I am 24. We are taking a break at the Canadian National Exhibition to ingest some food stuffs. And of course Hubby decided to take the opportunity to click this picture so that we would one day be able to look back and say witty little things like "What the hell was I thinking when I dressed my first born up like a jail bird?"

In this photo EB is about 3 months old. I'm the one holding him and I used to love to play with his bottom lip. I'd wiggle it around and make it look like he was talking while I said silly little things like "If you take that picture of me Daddy I will seriously kick your ass!"

For some reason EB used to enjoy sitting in this bowl. In this picture he is about 17 months old. Notice his beautiful blonde hair? What happened?

EB didn't want me to share this picture with anyone, but I just love it way too much to keep it hidden in a photo album somewhere.
This picture was taken at EB's first birthday party. We had 2 cakes. One for all the guests and then another small chocolate one for EB to have all to himself.
We sat him on the ground after we'd stripped all of his clothes off of him. We placed the cake in front of him and let him go mad.
This was the result.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Do Ladies Prefer Blondes?

Today Sean dyed his hair blonde, and I mean really blonde.  It's stage one in his attempt to dye his hair red.

Before the Dye
Just after the dye was applied
Almost ready to be rinsed out
Finished product, notice surly visage.  What's next skin art and nipple piercings?