Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Me sans makeup.


Contemplating the melting of his ice cream

Monday, December 08, 2008

EB and his Dog

EB in his Costa Nada Hoodie, which he loves and attempts to wear each and every single day and Skye, our loving and tormented Husky

LB in Royal Stuart Tartan

Notice that my son's middle finger is raised, he does this all the time.  It's like he's flipping the world the bird.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Tropical Plant

When I got my Azalea's, I also got got this tropical plant. I have no idea what it is since the tag that came with it that normally tells you what type of plant you've got only identified it as a 'Tropical Plant' which I thought was amusing because I sure as heck knew this wasn't any Canadian plant, but thanks for the tip anyways, Dumbasses!

Friday, June 20, 2008

More Azaleas

A better pic of the pretty flowers


One pic of the flowers the Hubby got me for my birthday

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Goofy Son

This is my goofy son in his Bat Man pyjamas, trying to make it look like he's all muscular and works out. Nice tongue by the way.